
"Vermont playwright presents The Seymour Sisters in Stowe" - Announcement of Workshop Performance

“Lynn Baumrind, vice president and a founding member of Stowe Theatre Guild, describes Vasta Folley’s work as ‘sensitive, humorous and totally enchanting.’”
- The Stowe Reporter, July 7, 2016

"Curtain Call" - Alumni Pie

“The play capitalizes on Vasta Folley’s keen sense of humor and her trademark quirky but believable characters to tell a story about the power of human connection.”
- The Stowe Reporter, September 24, 2015

"Vasta Folley Premieres New Play"

"Carole Vasta Folley is quickly becoming known as one of the regions exciting creative voices. A playwright and storyteller, her trademarks are quirky but believable characters and dynamically rich scenarios full of heart and humor."
- The Other Paper, September 17, 2015

"Most Dangerous Women; A Vermont Theater Collaboration; Carole Vasta Folley's Work-in-Progress" by Pamela Polston
- Seven Days, May 6, 2015

"Artist Receives VT Grant" by Evelyn Werner Frey
- The Stowe Reporter, March 5, 2015

Radio: "New Play Celebrates Women, Friends and Family" by Neal Charnoff - View the transcript here.

"Regardless of How You Pronounce It, Shelburne Playwright is the Passion Benhind Glenn" by Margo Callaghan

“Sounds like the terms ‘quirky’ and ‘entertained’ might be extreme understatements . . . looks to be the equally brilliant work of this anything but novice playwright.”
- Shelburne News, September 8, 2008

Radio: "Backstage Pronouncing Glenn" by Neal Charnoff - Read the transcript here.

"Vermont Playwright Debuts in Stowe" by Michelle A.L. Singer

“One of Vasta Folley’s favorite words is bittersweet, something she hoped to capture in her madcap comedy that deals with these opposite ends, death and humor.”
- Vermont Woman, September 2008

"Monday Night in Mud Season and the Laughs Kept Coming" by Margo Callaghan
- Shelburne News, April 10, 2008